New Year Program 1 Jan 2020

All Sectors Wokha, Nagaland, India

Wokha Town Baptist Church New Year 2020 Program Nzyu ethan 1st January, 2020 lojo nzontsü ekhang randan liala. Topvüna randana vantasi mmyanta thetav tsükona jonjiala. New Year Program 2020: WTBC Christmas and New Year Program 2019

Mrs. Mhalo Yanthan Elhi lona esancho tsüngon

WTBC Mother Church WTBC, Wokha, Nagaland, Wokha, Nagaland, India

Emong etssao 9th February, 2020 lojo Mrs. Mhalo Yanthan, Eloe Esopvüi ji ombvü elhilona tsümchak beni esanchoa evamo ji randanka ekhüm lhinsüng Mother Church lona khiv sala. Longtsüi oro-ojü topvüna ombvü osi wopan jiang tsükona randan lona nchümcheta vantasi topvüna mmyanta oro randanita lhinsüng tsüphov shilo thetavka to ntsijantala.

Interdenominational Youth Revival

WTBC Mother Church WTBC, Wokha, Nagaland, Wokha, Nagaland, India

Wokha Town Pastor’s Fellowship organizing Interdenominational Youth Revival with the Theme " Remember your Creator" Ecclesiastes 12:1 Date : 6th-8th March (Friday to Sunday) Venue : WTBC Mother Church. Speakers i) Rev. Vikuo Rhi, Youth Secy. NBCC, Kohima ii) Evangelist Chenithung Shitiri, Director All Christian Fellowship Diampur Resources Persons i) Dr. Zubon Humtsoe, Panacea Nursing ...

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WTBC Youth Camp 2022

WTBC Mother Church WTBC, Wokha, Nagaland, Wokha, Nagaland, India

Wokha Town Baptist Church Youth Camp (Phase I) Theme :- “Arise & Rebuild” (Nehemiah 2:18) Date: 23rd – 26th June, 2022. Venue: WTBC, Mother Church GOSPEL HOUR SPEAKER: REV. DR. K.BENRY LOTHA PASTOR, KLBC BIBLE STUDY SPEAKER : REV. ZANAO MOZHUI, PASTOR, DLBC THEME OPENING SPEAKER: REV. ABEMO JUNGIO PASTOR, WTBC

VBS 2022

All Sectors Wokha, Nagaland, India

Wokha Town Baptist Church CNY VBS - 2022 Theme : “Rejoicing in Hope” (Rom. 15:13) Date : 27th June - 2nd July, 2022