Highlights of WTBC Centenary Celebration on 27th December (Chodantsü) 2019

Highlights of WTBC Centenary Celebration on 27th December (Chodantsü) 2019

The Centenary Celebration of WTBC ceremoniously began with dedication of Centenary Monolith by Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha, Executive Secretary, Lotha Baptist Churches Association (LBCA) on the 27th of December 2019 at WTBC.

After the dedication of the monolith, the Centenary Celebration Hall at Public Ground, Wokha was also dedicated by Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha, Executive Secretary, Lotha Baptist Churches Association (LBCA). The theme of the Centenary Celebration- “Jesus Christ is the Lord of all ages”, was unveiled and dedicated by Rev. Ellis Lotha, Pastor UBC, Doyang.

The evening program started with invocatory prayer pronounced by Rev. S. Ilow Ezung, Ex- Asso. Pastor, WTBC. Welcome address and introduction was delivered by Rev. S. Thungrio Khuvung, Pastor WTBC.  A special greeting was delivered by Shri. Mhathung Yanthan, Honourable Advisor, Horticulture & Border Affairs, Govt. of Nagaland. The Wokha Town Baptist Church Centenary History booklet was released by Rev. Khonbemo P. Kikon, Assistant Pastor, WTBC. The “WTBC Centenary Choir” and “Wokha Village Baptist Church Choir” blessed the congregation with special songs.

The speaker for the evening was Rev. L.K.Tsanglao, Pastor, Longsa Baptist Church. Delivering centennial message to thousands of believers, the former WTBC Pastor said, “God is the beginning and the end, the creator of every living being, every nation and every community. He protects and controls every step of our lives.”

Rev. Tsanglao reminded the congregation to live an eventful and fulfilling life with the “true knowledge” and accept God as the creator and saviour. He called upon the congregation to make the jubilee celebration meaningful by re-strengthening their individual relationships with the true saviour Jesus Christ. Rev. Tsanglao asked them to renew their lives once again and to let Jesus take control of their lives.

Photo highlights of the day: